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Editorial independence

Nowadays, Editorial independence has become a topic of great relevance in our society. With the advancement of technology and globalization, Editorial independence has acquired a meaning and importance that transcends borders and cultures. Since its inception, Editorial independence has been the object of study and analysis, its implications are broad and deep, impacting aspects as diverse as the economy, politics, culture and society in general. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of Editorial independence, its evolution over time, and its impact on the world today.

Editorial independence is the absence of external control or influence on journalists, authors, or media organisations in general. It is tested, for instance, if a newspaper runs articles that may be unpopular with its advertising clientele or critical of its commercial owners or the state. The term is mostly used to denote media independence, and the freedom of the press.

"The media has increasingly grown to rely on automated decision-making to produce and distribute news. This trend challenges our understanding of editorial independence ..."

See also

Related controversies

External links


What is Editorial Independence and How Does It Impact Publishing?


  1. ^ Drunen, Max van (2021-09-13). "Editorial independence in an automated media system". Internet Policy Review. 10 (3). ISSN 2197-6775.
  2. ^ "Blowing the Whistle On Your Own Station". Columbia Journalism Review. March 1, 2001. Retrieved 2008-09-10.
  3. ^ Schweitzer, Sarah (August 19, 2000). "Reporter wins suit over firing". St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved 2008-09-10.
  4. ^ "The media can legally lie". St. Louis Journalism Review. December 1, 2004. Retrieved 2008-09-10.