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Cenderawasih languages

In this article, we will explore the issue of Cenderawasih languages from a multidimensional perspective, analyzing its implications, repercussions and possible solutions. Cenderawasih languages is a topic that has captured the attention of academics, activists, government institutions and society in general, due to its relevance in the current context. Through a deep analysis, we aim to provide a comprehensive vision of Cenderawasih languages, addressing its most relevant aspects, its connections with other phenomena and its potential impact in different areas. With the purpose of enriching the debate around Cenderawasih languages, this article aims to offer a holistic vision that invites reflection and constructive dialogue.

Cenderawasih Bay
West New Guinea
Cenderawasih Bay, Western New Guinea, Indonesia
Linguistic classificationAustronesian

The Cenderawasih languages, approximately synonymous with West New Guinea languages, are a branch of Austronesian languages of Indonesia, found in the islands and shoreline of Cenderawasih Bay in the provinces of West Papua, Central Papua and Papua.

Most of the languages are only known from short word lists, but Biak is fairly well attested.
